DAV Public School Gumla
Welcome to the Online Teaching Learning Portal
Stay Home.... Stay Safe. Wash your hands regularly. Use face Masks and Sanitisers...
Notice Board
1. If result is not found on the website, then parents are requested to collect the results from School Office (On working days between 9.30AM-12N)
2. If you wish to recheck the answer sheets, then Parents are requested to put up their request for rechecking/re-evaluation in the school office.
Most Important: The Schedule and Link for Live Classes via Zoom App shall be sent via whatsapp only. If you are not included in the Whatsapp Group then send your Name, Class, Whatsapp Number and Admission Number to the School Whatsapp Number 9472785092.
Important: All the Students are advised to fill the attendance form everyday between 9AM to 12 Noon on the Attendance Links given with the Online Classroom Contents.
Please download Zoom App. Please be in a formal dressup and noiseless surrounding while attending the online classes.
Parents of those students who are facing difficuty in attending online classes are requested to visit the school for any assistance from our Teachers. Please download the Google Meet App for Attending Live interaction Classes.
Achievement by our Students:

There is online enrichment Classes for competitive exams in Phy, Chem, Maths/Bio for Std XII w.e.f. 20 April.
During the lockdown period, the lessons shall be delivered by the teachers through online classroom on the school website www.davgumla.ac.in
Notice for the Parents. Click here. - In view of COVID19 situation and difficulty of parents, there is no increase in tuition fees for session 2020-21. Also Transport Fees has been waived Off till the reopening of school. Pl. ensure the attendance of your ward in online classes regularly.
Important note for Parents and Students:
During the COVID 19 lockdown period, the lessons shall be delivered by the teachers through online classroom on the school website www.davgumla.ac.in
Parents are requested to kindly monitor the online learning, accomplishment of assignments of their wards at home.
All the assignments/ notebooks are to be submitted after the reopening of the school.
For any doubts/ queries, the concerned subject teachers may be contacted by the students thorugh google form. (Timing 9AM-2PM). The queries shall be replied via email only.
The doubts or queries can also be emailed to [email protected].
Note- If you are not receiving SMS from School, Please UPDATE your new mobile no. at the school Office. (Timing 9AM-12 Noon on all working days)
Online Teaching Previous Teaching Learning Materials before 25th July 2020 (Click here).